- University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D., Mathematics. 1991-1998
- Dissertation: “Almost Inductive Limit Structure of R-Actions on AF-algebras and AF-Embeddings of Covariance Algebras”, under Prof. Dan-Virgil Voiculescu.
- Harvard College, A.B. with Honors, Mathematics, 1987-1991
Professional History
- San Francisco State University, Professor, Mathematics, 2011-present
- San Francisco State University, Associate Professor, Mathematics, 2006-2011
- San Francisco State University, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, 2001-2006
- University of Texas at Austin, NSF PFSMETE Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1999-2001
- University of Texas at Austin, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Math Education, 1998-1999
Grants, Honors and Awards
- 6/1/2019-5/31/2024. co-PI, STAJES. NSF Noyce Track 1 #1852881. ($945,843 / 5y)
- 7/1/2020-6/30/2022. PI. “Bay Area Math Collaborative (BAM-C)”. CA Education Learning Lab. ($17K / 2y)
- 5/2018-4/2022. co-PI, “Western Regional Noyce Alliance”, NSF DUE-1745263 ($3.3M/5y)
- 10/1/2018-9/30/2021. co-PI, “CS4SF: A Scalable Model for Preparing and Supporting High School Teachers in Rigorous, Inclusive Computer Science Instruction”, NSF CS4ALL. ($389,996 / 3y + $77,997 supplement)
- 9/1/2016-12/31/2019. PI. “SF Computing for All Learners and Levels (SF CALL)”, NSF INCLUDES ($299,960 / 3y)
- 2014-2019. Senior Personnel, SF BUILD, NIH BUILD grant ($17M / 5y)
- 6/1/2016-5/31/2019. PI. “SF Bay Basic Skills Consortium”, California Community Colleges Basic Skill Partnership, through Ohlone College. ($140,000 / 3y)
- 2015-2018. PI. “Silicon Valley Engineering Technical Pathways”, CA Career Pathways Trust with Evergreen Community College District. ($110,000 / 2y)
- 2018 PI, “Neighborhood Health and Well-being” (Tendai Chitewere, project lead). UCSF/Oakcare Medical Group ($6,500 / 1y)
- 2017-2018. PI. “Golden Gate STEM Alliance”, Bayer Foundation ($15,000 / 1y)
- 2016-2017. co-PI, Project ExCEL, California Department of Education, ($499,913/2y)
- 2014-2017. PI, “ITEAMS”, California Math Science Partnership with San Rafael City Schools, Dixie School District, Ross Valley Unified and Marin County Office of Education. ($1.5M / 3y)
- 2011-2016. Co-PI on “San Francisco State Noyce Scholarship Program”, NSF Noyce. ($1,200,000 / 5y)
- 2015-2016. PI, “Golden Gate STEM Alliance”, Bayer Foundation ($27,000)
- 2015-2016. Co-PI. “Mathematics Capstone Course Resources: Preparing Secondary School Mathematics Teachers”. NSF IUSE/EHR. ($250,000 / 1.5 y)
- 2015-2016. “SF Math Circle at June Jordan School”, Tensor-SUMMA grant ($12K / 2y)
- 2014-2015. co-PI, Western Regional Noyce Initiative, sub, NSF DUE. ($51,040 / 1y)
- 2013-2015 PI, “Hybrid Precalculus”, CSU-CCCS Hybrid Model Math Consortium, ($125,000 / 2y)
- 2009-2014 Senior Researcher on “Characteristics of Successful Programs in College Calculus”, NSF REESE ($2,000,000 / 5y)
- 2013-2014 PI, “Foundational Science Coursework”, S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, ($55,000 / 1y)
- 2013-2014 PI, “STEM Mentorship Advancement Program”, Dean Witter Foundation, ($20,000 / 1y)
- 2013-2014 co-PI, “Golden Gate STEM Alliance”, California STEM Learning Network ($50,000 / 1y).
- 2012-2014 PI, “Orange Country Engineering Pathways”, subcontract, Dept of Labor H1B Training Grants ($80,000 / 2y)
- 2011-2014 PI, “Climate Change Scholars”, NSF OEDG. ($200,000 / 3y)
- 2010-2013 PI, California Math Science Partnership grant with SF Unified. PRIME2 (sequel to PRIME). ($1.350,000 / 3y)
- 2011-2013 PI, “Math Gateway Pilot”, subcontract, S.D. Bechtel Foundation. ($72,000 / 1y)
- 2013 PI, “CA Teacher Pathway OST Activities Standards Alignment”, Growth Sector and Bechtel. ($25,000 / 1 y).
- 2012 PI, “STEM Summer Institute 2”, subcontract, S.D. Bechtel Foundation. ($22,000 / 1y)
- 2012 PI, Bridge to Engineering for Veterans, subcontract with Growth Sector with Cañada College and San Mateo WIB. ($16,000 / 1y)
- 2011-2012 PI, “Engineering Precalculus Bridge”, subcontract with Growth Sector with Chabot College and Alameda Workforce Investment Board. ($30,000 / 1y)
- 2011-2012 PI on “The Math of Khan”, Google Faculty Grant ($22,000 / 1y)
- 2011-2012 PI, “Foundational Science Collaboration”, S.D. Bechtel Foundation. ($70,000 / 1y)
- 2010-2011 PI, STEM Summer Institute, contract with Growth Sector. ($60,000 / 1y)
- 2008-2011 Co-PI on “PRIME (Partners as Resources to Improve Mathematics Education)”, CA Math Science Partnership with SF Unified School District ($1.2M/3 yrs)
- 2004-2011 PI, “CAREER: Online and Live Communities of Teachers”, NSF CAREER Award ($489K/5 yrs)
- 2002-2011 Secretary of the SIGMAA on RUME (Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America on Research in Undergraduate Math Education). Elected to five two-year terms. ~600 members
- 2009 Creator of Better File Cabinet, selected Math Forum Hot Spot of the Month, Dec 2009
- 2009-2010. Co-PI on “Revitalizing Algebra” Supplemental 2, NSF Math Science Partnership ($199,579 / 2 yrs)
- 2007-2009 Co-Director, “Transforming Calculus”, CSU Transforming Course Design grant ($25K/1 yr)
- 2007-2008. Co-PI on “Revitalizing Algebra” Supplemental 1, NSF Math Science Partnership ($513,000 / 2 yrs)
- 2006-2008 Co-Leader, “Teachers Collaborative Algebra Accessibility Project”, CA Math Science Partnership with San Rafael City Schools (~$1.2M/3 yrs)
- 2005 NSF Cyberlearning Task Force on Virtual Communities of Practice, one of twenty members by invitation of the Computing Research Association and the International Society of the Learning Sciences
- 2003-2006 Co-PI on “Revitalizing Algebra”, NSF Math Science Partnership. ($3,354,105 / 3.5 yrs)
- 2001-2002 PI, “Mixed Metaphors: Undergraduate Use of Language in Calculus”, NSF Research Starter Grant ($50K/1 yr)
- 2001-2002 MAA Dolciani Project NExT Fellow
- 2002 SFSU Affirmative Action Faculty Development Program
- 2002 SFSU Summer Research Stipend
- 2000-2001 Mentoring Grant from the SIGMAA on RUME
- 2000 International Conference on Learning Sciences (ICLS) Fellowship for Special Workshop on Methodology, University of Michigan.
- 1999-2001 NSF PFSMETE Postdoctoral Fellowship, U.T. Austin
- 1998-1999 University of Texas at Austin Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 1997-1998 University of California Teaching Effectiveness Award
- 1997-1998 University of California Outstanding Graduate Instructor
- 1996-1997 University of California Graduate Division Fellowship
Professional and Civic Activities (Campus)
- 2023-present. Member, COSE Anti-racism Committee
- 2021-present. Member, SFSU Tutoring Advisory Board
- 2020-present. Member, CSU Math Council
- 2020-present. Member, SFSU Undergraduate Programs for Educator Preparation Committee
- 2020-present. Partner Director, Center for Science and Math Education
- 2017-present. Affiliated Doctoral Faculty, Ed.D. Program.
- 2014-present. Project Director, Frank Sheehan Scholarship
- Member, CSU Math Council Election Committee
- 2020-2021. Member, B4 and Quantitative Reasoning Task Force
- 2019-2020. Member, Search committee for Executive Director of the Tutoring and Academic Support Center
- 2010-2020. Director, Center for Science and Math Education
- 2020 Campus Team Member, CSU Data Summit – From Collection to Action: Using Data to Guide Continuous Improvement
- 2018-2019. Member, SFSU Committee for Operational Review of Tutoring
- 2018-2019. Member, SFSU Academic Master Plan Working Group 5
- 2018-2019. Participant, CSU Certificate Program in Student Success Analytics
- 2014-2019. Member, SFSU Team for CSU Math Teacher Educator Partnership
- 2018 Member, All University Teacher Education Committee
- 2017-2018. Participant, Integrated Bilingual Education for Social Transformation (I-BEST) Planning for Graduate College of Education, funded by California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
- 2017 Consultant, CSU Faculty Development Council.
- 2017 SFSU Representative, CSU Faculty Professional Development Focus Group
- 2017 Member, SFSU Patent Committee
- 2017 Member, COSE Graduation Initiative Committee.
- 2016-2019. Consultant, SFSU Causeways, Keck Foundation
- 2013-2017. California State University Entry Level Math Committee
- 2016-2017. Leadership Team, Project ExCEL (elementary teachers in SFUSD and Daly City)
- 2016 Member, Student Academic Pathway Project
- 2012-2017. Advisory Board, Metro Academy of STEM
- 2014-2015 Member, Search Committee for Dean of College of Science & Engineering
- 2013-2014 Member, SFSU Presidential Strategic Planning Coordinating Committee
- 2013 Presenter, New Faculty Orientation
- 2010-2013 Center for Teaching and Faculty Development Advisory Board
- 2010-2012 Academic Senate representative, All University Teacher Education Committee
- 2010 Faculty Representative, Bechtel Math and Science CC Transfer Program
- 2009-2010 Chair, Search Committee for Director of Center for Math and Science Education
- 2007-2010 Faculty Co-Director, Center for Math and Science Education
- 2007-2010 Member, Faculty Hearing Panel
- 2010 Member, University Advisory Council, San Francisco Teacher Institutes Project
- 2006-2009 College Representative, University Teacher Credential Committee.
- 2007 Co-teacher, EDDL 921 for new EdD program in Educational Leadership
- 2007 Presenter, SFSU Touch of Class for Welcome Days
- 2007 Co-presenter, Grantwriting Workshop for University Faculty-Staff Retreat
- 2006 Co-presenter, Grantwriting Workshop for Center for Teaching and Faculty Development
- 2005-2006 Chair, Planning Committee for the Center for Science and Math Education
- 2006 SFSU Representative, CSU Summit on Math and Science Teachers, Industry, CA.
- 2006 SFSU Representative, MSRI Math Education Conference, Berkeley, CA.
- 2006 SFSU Representative, CSU Conference on Early Assessment Program, Oakland, CA.
- 2005 Member, Liberal Studies Council
- 2005 Presenter and Facilitator, SFSU Community Access and Retention Program, Spring Tutor Orientation
- 2002-2006 Judge at SFSU COSE Student Project Showcase
- 2002 Participant, CSU Math Educators Face-to-Face Meeting at Asilomar
- 2002 Participant, SFSU College of Education CAD/MS Workshop with Vera Lane
- 2001 Leader, One-day workshop for K-12 in-service math teachers on Economics and Math for National Council on Economic Education (with Prof. Blecha, SFSU)
Math Department
- 2020-present. Chair, Mathematics Department
- 2022 Math Faculty Search Committee, Statistics
- 2020 Associate Chair, Mathematics Department
- 2018 Math Faculty Search Committee, Math Education
- 2018-2021. Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee
- 2010-now Major Advisor, BA Mathematics, Concentration in Mathematics Education (70-90 students annually)
- 2004, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2017. Math Graduation Speaker, elected by graduating students.
- 2014-2015 Member, Search Committee for Math Education Faculty
- 2009-2014 Faculty Advisor for Unifying Generations of Mathematicians, the undergraduate math society
- 2002-2010 Supervisor, SFSU Math Graduate Teaching Instructors
- 2009 Representative, Math Placement Implementation Team
- 2005-2009 Member, Mathematics Department Math Education Committee
- 2006-2007 Member, Mathematics Department Graduate Committee
- 2006 Co-author, Response to Department Program Review.
- 2003-2005 Ran Revitalizing Algebra weekly workshop for two cohorts of 9 K-12 teachers, 9 grad instructors, 9 math major UGs (with Diane Resek and Judy Kysh)
- 2003-2005 Member, SFSU Math Department Faculty Council
- 2002-2004 Member, SFSU Math Department Hiring Search Committee
- 2002 Chair, SFSU Math Department Calculus Textbook Committee
Professional and Civic Activities (Off-Campus)
Committees, Panels and Advisory Boards
- 2022 Consultant, MAA Program Review/Certificate Design Workshop, Mar 11, Washington DC
- 2020-present. Advisory Board, Mathopolis / Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival
- 2012-2023. Board of Directors, College Preparatory Mathematics
- 2019 Member, Advisory Team for Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Education.
- 2016-2018 Member, Community Expansion Collaborative (CEC) for the New Haven Unified/Our Lady of the Rosary/San Jose State CaMSP Project
- 2015-2017 Advisory Panel, CoMINDS Project.
- 2015-2017 Consultant, Progress through Calculus grant of the MAA
- 2014 Member, New Mathways (STEM Preparation) Content Team. University of Texas at Austin.
- 2013-2015 MAA Committee on SIGMAAs
- 2011-2014 National Advisory Board, Preparing to Teach Algebra: A Study of Teacher Education, NSF REESE project.
- 2010-2013 Advisory Board Member, American Institute of Mathematics Math Teacher Circle
- 2011-2012 Google Faculty Fellow
- 2010-2012 Member, MAA Strategic Planning Working Group on SIGMAAs
- 2010-2012 National Advisory Board, MathTLC National Advisory Board
- 2009-2012 Member, Web Committee, California Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators
- 2000-2012 Member of SIGMAA on RUME Web Committee and Literature Committee
- 2000-2012 Member of SIGMAA on RUME, Literature Database Project
- 2010-2012 Member, Mathematical Association of America Task Force on e-Communities
- 2011-2012 Writer, Klein Project.
- 2011 Design Team, SFUSD Mathematics Inititative, Bechtel Foundation funded project
- 2011 Expert video commentary, Operations on Numbers and Expressions, for Algebra II course for the Arkansas Dept of Ed and for Teachscape’s use in its professional development online library.
- 2001-2014 National Science Foundation Review Panels for Noyce Teacher Fellowships; DRK12; Math Science Partnership RETA (Research Evaluation Technology Assistance); Teacher Professional Continuum; and NSF-NATO Postdoctoral Fellowships
- 2001, 2010 Judge, Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, Grand Mathematics Awards
- 2010 Focus Group Member, Calculus eBooks, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning
- 2010 Focus Group Member, MAA’s Committee for the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics Curriculum Guide
- 2008-2009 Project Author, Clarifying the Mathematical Underpinnings of Secondary School Mathematics in the United States, funded by Noyce Foundation.
- 2006-2008 Presenter and Consultant, How to Build and Run a Successful Emerging Scholars Program (MAA PREP Workshop)
- 2001 Grant Reader, California Postsecondary Education Commission Eisenhower State Grants
National and State Tests and Standards
- 2012 Reviewer, Illustrative Mathematics Project
- 2007 Content Review Panelist, California State Textbook Adoption Committee (happens once every 7 years)
- 2003-2005 Item Reviewer, California High School Exit Exam
- 2003 Reader, AP Calculus exams, June 2003
Reviews and Refereeing
- 2023 Tenure External Reviewer, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- 2016 Reviewer, National Science Foundation
- 2010 Reviewer, Beyond Pizzas and Pies: 10 Essential Strategies for Supporting Fraction Sense, Grades 3-5, by McNamara and Shaughnessy
- 2009 Consultant, Precalculus: Pathways to Calculus project
- 2007-2009 Faculty Reviewer, Global Telephony Competition, by Kauffman Foundation and Hot Lava Software, Inc.
- 2008 Faculty Reviewer, Basic Arithmetic Video Series, Cerebellum Corporation
- 2003-2007 Referee, Mathematics Teacher Journal
- 2002-2007 Reviewer, National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Annual Conference
- 2002,2006 SIGMAA on RUME Elections Committee
- 2003-2005 Teacher Advisory Panel, Mathematics Teacher Journal
- 2003-2005 Referee, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
- 2002-2005 Referee, PMENA (Psychology of Math Education, North American Chapter) Conference
- 2004 Reviewer, 10th International Congress on Mathematics Education
- 2003 Referee, NCTM’s Online Journal For School Mathematics
- 2003 Textbook Reviewer, Elayn Martin-Gay’s Beginning and Intermediate Algebra, Prentice-Hall
- 2001-2003 Referee, National Association of Research in Science Teaching Conference
- 2002 Reviewer, Houghton-Mifflin College Algebra Text
- 2002 SIGMAA on RUME Conference Program Committee
- 2002 Participant, MAA Preparing Mathematicians to Education Teachers Workshop at San Diego
- 2002 Judge, Joint Meetings Undergraduate Poster Session
- 2001 Reviewer, MAA Mathematical Sciences Digital Library Project
Graduate Projects Supervised
In Progress
- Castillo, Francisco (committee, Ed.D.)
Masters Theses and Field Studies
- Almassy, Helena (2023). Novice College Mathematics Instructor Communication About Scaffolding Student Learning. (committee)
- Gibson, Christopher (2022). A Qualitative Study of What Ideas New Graduate Teaching Associates Report From Student-Centered Instruction in Professional Development. (committee)
- Swartout, Bryan (2020). Student Experiences Resulting from Changes in Course Placement in Entry Level Mathematics (committee)
- Bengle, Gordon (2018). Teachers’ Roles in Supporting Student Navigation Through Common Confusions in Algebra. (committee)
- Haro, Javier. (2017). Graduate Teaching Assistants’ Enactment of Pedagogical Techniques in Developmental Mathematics College Courses (committee)
- Kwon, Patrick. (2017). Analyzing Peer-assisted Reflections in a Developmental College Mathematics Course (committee)
- Cerruti, Nina. (2016). Student Responses to Problem-Based Learning in a Number Theory Course (committee)
- Lanzas, Karla. (2015). Comparison of Two Approaches to Teaching Math 60: Follow-up Study With Students (committee)
- Walters, Karen. (2013). Effectiveness of Activity-Based Curriculum in Math 60 at SFSU. (committee)
- Paisley, Eliot. (2012). Analyzing Major League Baseball Data from 2000-2010. (committee)
- Ferrant, Patricia. (2012). Performance on Problem-Based Algebra Readiness Assessment as Predictor of Algebra Functioning. (committee, field study, MA Math Education)
- Diamond, Ned. (2009). Investigating Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Elementary Teachers.
- Murany, Susan. (2009). Rich Problem Solving and Math Self-Efficacy in a Developmental Algebra Classroom. (committee)
- Vanderbilt, Read. (2007). Mastery or Memorization - Adult Students’ Algebra Knowledge.
- Keys, Kerin. (2007). Basic Mathematics Student Understanding of Meaning, Numerical Value, and Use of Fractions.
- Hasson, David. (2006). The Hidden Power of Our Words: How Students Interact With a Mathematical Authority’s Scientific Use of Language.
- Bravewoman, Mary. (2006). Identifying Success Strategies of Students with Learning Disabilities in Remedial Mathematics Courses.
- Lucas, G. (2005). Group Work With Computers in a College Math Classroom: A Case Study.
- Contini, Victor. (2005). Mathematics and Student Performance in Economics.
Ed.D. Dissertations
- Mary Reynolds. (2019). Supporting Girls Towards the Development of Positive Mathematical Identity. (committee)
- Katrina Keating. (2018). Non-cognitive Variables for Placement: A Randomized Control Trial. (committee)
- Michael Reimer. (2011). An Investigation Into the Efficacy of the Algebra Project. Ed.D. Dissertation (committee) - 1st place in 26th Annual CSU Student Research Competition.
- Graduate Expository Papers
- Estrada, Rick. (2009). Distance Education Research: Applications in Hybrid Education
- Magante, Maria. (2008). Dyscalculia.
- Eroy-Reveles, A., Hsu, E., Peterfreund, A., Rath, K., Bayliss, F. (2019). History and Evolution of STEM Supplemental Instruction at San Francisco State University, a Large, Urban, Minority-Serving Institution. In Wilson-Kennedy, Z., Byrd, G., Kennedy, E., Frierson, H. (Eds.), Broadening Participation in STEM (Diversity in Higher Education, Volume 22), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp.209 - 235.
- Yoon, I., Lyons, J., Horvath, L., Yue, H., Twarek, B., Remold, J., Hsu, E. (2018). SFSU INCLUDES on SF CALL (San Francisco Computing for All Levels and Learners). Proceedings of 2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference.
- Hauk,S., Speer, N. M., Kung, D., Tsay, J.J., & Hsu, E. (2016). Video cases for college mathematics instructor professional development. Retrieved from
- Hauk, S., Hsu, E., & Speer, N. (2016). What would the research look like? Knowledge for teaching mathematics capstone courses for future secondary teachers. Proceedings of 19th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Pittsburgh, PA.
- Hsu, E., & Bressoud, D. (2015). Placement and Student Performance in Calculus I. In Bressoud, D., Mesa, V., Rasmussen, C. (Eds.), Insights and Recommendations from the MAA National Study of College Calculus (pp. 59–67). Washington, D.C.: Mathematical Association of America.
- Hsu, E., Mesa, V., & The Calculus Case Collective. (2015). Synthesizing Measures of Institutional Success: CSPCC-Technical Report #1. Washington DC: Mathematical Association of America.
- Raychaudhuri, D. & Hsu, E. (2012). A Longitudinal Study of Mathematics Graduate Teaching Assistants’ Beliefs about the Nature of Mathematics and their Pedagogical Approaches toward Teaching Mathematics. In (Eds.) S. Brown, S. Larsen, K. Marrongelle, and M. Oehrtman, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 2012, Portland, Oregon.
- Hsu, E., Kysh, J., Ramage, K., & Resek, D. (2012). Changing Teachers’ Conception of Mathematics. NCSM Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership. Spring 2012.
- Hsu, E., Kysh, J., Ramage, K., & Resek, D. (2009). Helping Teachers Un-structure: A Promising Approach. The Montana Math Enthusiast, 6 (3).
- Hsu, E., Iwasaki, K., Kysh, J., Ramage, K., & Resek, D. (2009). Three REAL Lessons About Mentoring. In G. Zimmermann, L. Fulmore, P. Guinee, & E. Murray (Eds.), Empowering Mentors of Experienced Mathematics Teachers. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Print ISBN: 978-0-87353-836-7
- Hsu, E., Murphy, T. J., & Treisman, U. (2008). Supporting High Achievement In Introductory Mathematics Courses: What We Have Learned From 30 Years of the Emerging Scholars Program. In M. Carlson, & C. Rasmussen (Eds.), Making the Connection: Research and Teaching in Undergraduate Mathematics. Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America. Print ISBN: 978-0-88385-183-8.
- Hsu, E., Kysh, J., Ramage, K., & Resek, D. (2007). Seeking Big Ideas in Algebra: The Evolution of a Task. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 10(4–6), 325–332. DOI 10.1007/s10857-007-9055-7
- Hsu, E., Kysh, J., and Resek, D. (2007). Using Rich Problems for Differentiated Instruction. New England Mathematics Journal, 39, 6–13.
- Computing Research Association. (2005). Cyberinfrastructure for Education and Learning for the Future. Washington, DC: Computing Research Association.
- Gutmann, T., Hsu, E., Marrongelle, K., Murphy, T., Speer, N., Star, J., et al. (2004). Mathematics Teaching Assistant Preparation And Development Research. In D. E. Mcdougall and J. A. Ross (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Joint Meeting with Psychology of Mathematics Education. Toronto, Ontario.
- Hsu, E., and Contini, V. (2004). Student Use (and Misuse) of Graphs and Rates of Change in Economics. In D. E. Mcdougall and J. A. Ross (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Joint Meeting with Psychology of Mathematics Education. Toronto, Ontario.
- Hsu, E. (2004). Re-considering On-line and Live Communities of Practice. In Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 15th International Conference.
- Hsu, E., and Moore, M. (2003). Online Teacher Communities: Measuring Engagement, Responsiveness and Refinement. In N. A. Pateman, B. J. Dougherty and J. T. Zilliox (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Joint Meeting with Psychology of Mathematics Education. Manoa, HI.
- Carlson, M., Jacobs, S., Coe, T., Larsen, S., and Hsu, E. (2003). “Applying Covariational Reasoning While Modeling Dynamic Events: A Framework and a Study (translation)”. Revista EMA, 8(2), 352–378.
- Carlson, M., Jacobs, S., Coe, T., Larsen, S. and Hsu, E. (2002) “Applying Covariational Reasoning While Modeling Dynamic Events: A Framework and a Study”. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. Vol. 33, No. 5, 352–378. .
- Hsu, E. (2002). “Pictures of Calculus Knowledge Networks: Data and Software”. In Mewborn, D.S., Sztajn, P., White, D.Y., Wiegal, H.G., Bryant, R.L. and Nooney, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vols. 1-4). p. 1063–1064. Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education. SE 066 8888.
- Hsu, E. (2001). “On-line Math Teacher Conversations: Graphical, Statistical and Semantic Analysis”. In R. Speiser and C. A. Maher and C. N. Walter (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 673). Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education. SE 065 164.
- Hsu, E. (2000) “Developing A Virtual Community Of Teachers: The Effects Of Live Contact And On-Line Conversational Dynamics”, Proceedings of the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Fernandez, M. L. (Ed.). (2000). Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education. SE 064 088. p.702.
- Hsu, E. and Oehrtman, M. (2000) “Mixed Metaphors: Undergraduates Do Calculus Out Loud”, Proceedings of the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Fernandez, M. L. (Ed.). (2000). Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education. SE 064 088. p.101.
- Hsu, E. (1999) “A Web-Based Database of Problems and Practices and Real Communities of ESP Teachers and Students”, Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Hitt, Fernando, and Santos, Manuel (Eds.). (1999). Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education. SE 062 752. p.824
- Hsu, E. (1998) “Almost Inductive Limit Structure of R-Actions on AF-algebras and AF-Embeddings of Covariance Algebras”, Dissertation under Prof. Voiculescu, December 1998. Published with UMI.
- Hsu, E. (1996). The Professional Development Program Teaching Assistant Teaching Manual, Berkeley, CA; PDP.
Presentations (Invited)
- Facilitator, MAA MSI Leadership Summit, Nov 3 2023.
- Invited Panelist, “Staying the Course: Investigating Prerequisites to College Calculus Session Resources”, 5th annual Mathematics of Opportunity conference, online. Mar 7-9 2023.
- Presenter and discussion leader, “Initiating, Sustaining, and Researching Mathematics Department Transformation of Introductory Courses for STEM Majors”, MSRI Critical Issues in Math Ed, Mar 18 2022.
- Invited Panelist, Math Equity and the Power of Universities, The Mathematics of Opportunity: Charting a Path to Equity, 4th Annual Mathematics of Opportunity conference, Mar 3 2022
- Invited Presenter, Trusting Students To Choose Their First-Year Courses. MAA Golden Section Annual Meeting, Feb 26 2022. CSU Maritime Academy, Vallejo, CA.
- Invited Presenter, Math Education Colloquium, Cornell University, Mar 23 2020. Conference cancelled due to COVID-19.
- Invited Presenter, “Teaching Mathematics As A Second Language”. FHI360 Exchange Program:English and STEM Integrated Instruction, Jan 2020.
- Invited Presenter, “SF CALL: Computing for All Levels and Learners, Year 3”, 2019 STEM for All Video Showcase. May 2019.
- Invited Presenter, “Managing College Group Work and Creating Groupworthy Tasks”, MIT Electronic Seminar on Mathematics Education, May 14 2019.
- Invited Co-presenter, “Administration Responses to EO 1110 and AB 705”, Active Engagement in Mathematics Conference, Ohlone College, Jan 26 2019
- Invited Presenter, “Active Engagement in College Math Teaching”, Santa Clara University, Aug 17, 2018.
- Invited Presenter, “SF CALL: Computing for All Levels and Learners, Year 2”, 2018 STEM for All Video Showcase. Transforming the Educational Landscape, May 14-21, 2018.
- Invited Presenter, “Active-Learning Strategies and Developmental Mathematics”, CSU Maritime, April 20, 2018.
- Keynote speaker, “Field Guide to Math Teachers in the Continental United States”, Conference for Strategies for Engaging Students in Active Learning in Community College, HS and CSU. Jan 20, 2018.
- Invited Presenter, “[[An Outsider Guide to Helping Math Faculty]]”, CSU Faculty Development Committee, Nov 7 2017.
- Invited speaker, “Equity, Placement and Practice: Student Success in California State College Gateway Courses” for Special Session on Characteristics of a Successful Mathematics Gateway Program, AMS Western Sectional Meeting, Riverside, CA. Nov 4, 2017.
- Invited Presenter, “Designing Powerful Calculus Lessons”, Faculty workshop at Santa Clara University. August 17, 2017.
- Invited Presenter, “SF CALL: Computing for All Levels and Learners”. 2017 NSF STEM for ALL Video Showcase, May 15-22.
- Invited Presenter, “SF CALL: Computing for All Levels and Learners”. NSF INCLUDES Video Showcase: Envisioning Impact. March 20-27, 2017.
- Invited Presenter, “Surviving and Thriving in your First Course Using Active Learning Techniques”, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Atlanta, GA. Jan 7, 2017.
- Invited Presenter, “Improving the Targeting of Treatment: Emerging Research on Postsecondary Math Placement Policies”. Opportunity Institute Quantitative Leap Webinar. Video archive:, June 8 2016.
- Invited Participant, “Testing and Beyond: The Future of College Math Placement in California”, LearningWorks Summit. Nov 10, 2015.
- Invited Participant, APLU/POD STEM Transformation Workshop, Nov 2015.
- Panelist, 2015 SF Business Times Roundtable on STEM Education, Sep 18, 2015.
- Speaker, “Making Practice Visible: Success in College Calculus”, Santa Clara University Colloquium, May 2014.
- Speaker, “Characteristics of Successful College Calculus Programs”, NCTM Research Conference, New Orleans, LA. April 2014.
- Speaker, “Educators, Equity, Enrichment: San Francisco STEM Partnerships”, Briefing for State Senator Mark Leno. San Francisco, CA. March 2014.
- Panel organizer, “Engineering and Education”, CSLNet STEM Summit, Sacramento, CA. February 2014
- Speaker, “CCSS-Math: Changes, Impacts, and Responses in K-12 and CSU”, Schools Moving Up webinar. January 2014.
- Speaker, “The changing education of pre-service teachers in light of the Common Core.” Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, MD. January 2014
- Co-presenter, “Equity, Enrichment and Education in the SF Bay Area”, California Dept of Education 1st Annual California STEM Conference, Sacramento, CA. November 2013.
- Talk and Panel, San Francisco Business Times STEM Education Leadership Forum, October 2013.
- Panelist, “Common Core Standards”, A New Vision for Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers in Math, Science, and STEM, Hayward, CA. October 2013.
- Lead Panelist, “STEM Education”, SFSU Presidential Investiture Week. March 2013.
- Talk, “Strengthening The Teacher Pipeline”, CSLNet STEM Summit, San Diego, October 2012.
- Panelist, “Social Justice and Teaching”, SFSU Forum on Social Justice and Equity in the Academy, May 2012.
- Talk, “Calculus, Community and Change”, SRI International, September 2011.
- Plenary talk, “Making Practice Visible: The Emerging Scholars Program and IBL”, 14th Annual Legacy of R.L. Moore Conference (hosted by MAA and Educational Advancement Foundation), Washington, DC. June 2011.
- Talk, “The CSME Teacher Fellows Program”, Math Science Teacher Initiative Directors Meeting, May 2011.
- Talk, “Strengthening the Teacher Pipeline”, SFSU Congressional Briefing, Washington, DC, March 2011
- Talk, “Strengthening the Teacher Pipeline”, SFSU Foundation Board meeting, February 2011
- Panelist, “Mathematics and Social Justice”, MAA-Project NExT Panel Discussion, Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Francisco, CA. January 2010.
- Panelist, “Becoming a teacher of college mathematics: Video cases for novice college mathematics instructor professional development”, AMS-MAA Committee on Teaching Assistants and Part-Time Instructors Panel Discussion. Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Francisco, CA. January 2010.
- “Why Do We Teach This Stuff Anyway? A Brief History of School Math”, Sonoma State University Colloquium, September 2009
- Panelist, “Strategies to Support Cohorts of Future Math and Science Teachers”, California Math Council - North, Asilomar Conference, December 2008.
- Panelist, “Evaluation and Teaching Circles”, American Institute of Mathematics, June 2008.
- “Analyzing and Sharing Rich Groupworthy Problems”, CMC-North Asilomar Conference, December 2007.
- “Emerging Scholars Programs: Experiences and Principles”, San Jose State University Math Colloquium, November 2007.
- “Thinking In and Out of Contexts”, Math Education Colloquium at Sonoma State University, Spring 2007
- Talk, “College math and science performance and ethnicity: Some recent trends and ideas”, National Summer Conference Integrating Science and Mathematics Education Research into Teaching, Orono, Maine, June 2006.
- Keynote speech: “Thinking About Thinking In Context”, Conference of the Alameda County Collaborative for Learning and Instruction in Mathematics, Hayward, CA. March 2006.
- Invited Talk and Panel: “Ethnicity and College Math: Some Recent Trends and Ideas”, American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. August 2005
- Invited Talk and Panel: “The Faculty Member As Teacher and Scholar”, Project NExT, Mathfest, Albuquerque, NM. August 2005.
- “Research to Practice. Ethnicity and College Math: Some Recent Trends and Ideas”, Mathfest, Albuquerque, NM. August 2005.
- Keynote speech: “What Were They Thinking?! Learning, Teaching and Overlapping Communities” Conference of the Alameda County Collaborative for Learning and Instruction in Mathematics, Hayward, March 2005.
- Invited Panel of NSF CAREER Awardees, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Dallas, January 2005.
- “Teaching Assistant Communities of Practice”, PMENA Working Group on Mathematics Teaching Assistant Preparation and Development Research, Toronto, Canada, October 2004.
- “Teaching Calculus with Group Work: Resources and Challenges”, California Math Council / North 46th Annual Asilomar Conference, December 2003.
- “Evaluating On-line Teacher Conversations With Statistics and Graphs” (with Megan Moore), AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), San Francisco, June 2003.
- “Teaching Calculus With Group Work: Experiences and Research”, Math Education Colloquium, Cal Poly Pomona, May 2003.
- “Metaphors and Contexts: Students Wrestle With Rate”, Math Education Colloquium, Harvard School of Education, April 2003
- “Teaching Calculus with Group Work: Resources and Challenges”, California Math Council/North 45th Annual Asilomar Conference. December 2002.
- Math Education Colloquium at Arizona State University, November 2002
- “Metaphor as a Theory of Learning,” MAA Mathfest Research Pre-session on Research on Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Burlington, VT. Invited to be Moderator for a Plenary Panel Discussion with Rafael Nunez, Ed Dubinsky and Michelle Zandieh; July 2002.
- Math Education Colloquium at Sonoma State University, Fall 2001
- Math Education Colloquium at San Francisco State University, Spring 2001
- Math Education Colloquium at Arizona State University, Spring 2001
- Math Education Colloquium at California State University, Monterey Bay, Spring 2001
Presentations (Refereed)
- Poster co-author, “STEM Supplemental Instruction at San Francisco State University, A Large Urban Hispanic-Serving Institution”, by Bayliss, Hsu, Rath, Peterfreund. 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. Seville, Spain. Nov 11-13, 2019.
- Co-author, “Students’ Ways of Thinking About Transformational Geometry”, with Natasha Speer*, University of Maine; Jennifer Dunham, University of Maine; Eric Pandiscio, University of Maine; Shandy Hauk, WestEd; Eric Hsu, San Francisco State University. 2017 SIGMAA on RUME’s Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.
- Discussant, “Persistence, Instruction, and Coordination in the National Study of Calculus”, 2016 NCTM Research Pre-session, San Francisco, CA. April 14, 2016.
- Presenter, “ITEAMS: Integrated Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science”, CA STEM Symposium, Oct 30, 2015.
- “Features and Practices of Successful Calculus Programs: Insights from Case Studies at Seventeen Institutions”, Network for Academic Renewal Conference, Association of American Colleges and Universities, October 2013
- “Mathematical Modeling in Context”, SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science), San Antonio, TX. October 2013
- “Building Powerful Foundational-Level Mathematics Programs” (with Carol Fry Bohlin). California Math Council / North 54th Annual Asilomar Conference. December 2011
- “Free, Open, Online, Mathematics Help Forums: Experiences of Newbie Helpers” (prepared with Carla C. van de Sande, given by van de Sande). American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO. May 2011.
- “The experience of newbie helpers in a mathematics, open, online, homework help forum: Becoming part of a community of helpers.”(prepared with Carla C. van de Sande, given by van de Sande). Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans, LA. January 2011.
- “Partnerships Across Time and Space” and “Strengthening the University Teacher Pipeline: A Communities of Practice Perspective”, Science and Mathematics Teacher Imperative of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, Cincinnati, OH. June 2010.
- “Supporting Cohorts of Teachers: Year Three”, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Irvine, CA. January 2010.
- “Revitalizing Algebra” (with Judy Kysh and Diane Resek), California Math Council / North 49th Annual Asilomar Conference, December 2006.
- “Graduate Teacher Social Networks” (with Tim Gutmann), Research on Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference, Rutgers University, NJ. Talk, February 2006.
- “Student Use (and Misuse) of Graphs and Rates of Change in Economics” (with Victor Contini), PME/NA 2004 (Psychology of Mathematical Education, North America), Toronto. Poster, October 2004.
- “Reconsidering On-line and Live Communities of Practice,” Society for Information Technology in Teacher Education 2004, Atlanta, GA. Talk, March 2004.
- “On-line Teacher Communities: Measuring Engagement, Responsiveness and Refinement” (with Megan Moore), PME-PME/NA 2003 (Psychology of Mathematical Education, North America), Manoa, HI. Talk, July 2003.
- “Pictures of Calculus Knowledge Networks: Data and Software,” PME/NA XXIV, Athens, GA. Poster, October 2002.
- “Switching Contexts: Students Doing Calculus” MAA Mathfest Research Pre-session on Research on Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Burlington, VT. 45 min talk, July 2002.
- “A Visual Analysis of Calculus Students Talking,” ICTM2 (International Conference on Teaching of Mathematics), Crete, Greece. Poster, July 2002.
- “Investigations of the Major Conceptual Strands of First Semester Calculus: The Role of Theory in Research and Practice,” NCTM Research Presession (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics), Las Vegas, NV. Two and a half hour presentation with Marilyn Carlson and Mike Oehrtman, April 2002.
- “A Visual Analysis of Knowledge Networks: Students Discuss Calculus,” NCTM Research Presession, Las Vegas, NV. Poster and hour presentation, April 2002.
- “Calculus Students Talk: A Visual Analysis,” Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA. Talk, January 2002.
- “On-line Math Teacher Conversations: Graphical, Statistical and Semantic Analysis,” PME/NA XXIII, Snowbird, UT. Poster, October 2001.
- “Developing A Virtual Community Of Teachers: The Effects Of Contact And On-Line Conversational Dynamics,” NARST (National Association of Research in Science Teaching) 2001 Meeting, St. Louis, MO. Talk, March 2001.
- “Mixed Metaphors: Undergraduate Language and Understanding in Calculus,” 2001 Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans, LA. Talk, January 2001.
- “Developing A Virtual Community Of Teachers: The Effects Of Contact And On-Line Conversational Dynamics,” PME/NA XXII, Tucson, AZ. Poster, October 2000.
- “Mixed Metaphors: Undergraduates Do Calculus Out Loud,” PME/NA XXII, Tucson, AZ. Poster, October 2000.
- “Moving Past A-ha!: A Pilot Study on Undergraduate Understanding of Calculus,” ARUME 2000 (5th Annual Conference for Research on Undergraduate Mathematics Education), Chicago, IL. Half-hour talk with Mike Oehrtman, September 2000.
- “Building a Better File Cabinet: Virtual Resources for Teachers,” CAMT 2000 (47th Annual Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching), Houston, TX. One hour talk, July 2000.
- “A Better File Cabinet: A Web-Based Database Of Problems And Practices,” ICLS 2000 (International Conference on the Learning Sciences), University of Michigan. Software demonstration, June 2000.
- “A Web-Based Database of Problems and Practices and Real Communities of ESP Teachers and Students.” CSCL’99 (Computers Supporting Collaborative Learning), Stanford University. Software demonstration, December 1999.
- “A Web-Based Database of Problems and Practices and Real Communities of ESP Teachers and Students,” PME/NA XXI, U. Morelos, Mexico. Poster, October 1999.
Last updated: Jan 11 2023