Virtual Research Group

Virtual Research Group

Some of us have groups of people we meet with on a regular basis to present research-in-progress, to obtain feedback on manuscript drafts, to colllaborate on conference proposals, to discuss an article of interest to members of the group, or to do other things to help a member’s research agenda.

Research groups of this sort, that exist to serve the needs of their members, can be extremely valuable. Not everyone has such a group at their local institution and others would like the opportunity to discuss issues focused more narrowly on TAs and college teaching.

This space was created as a virtual meeting place for folks interested in discussing TA-related research issues. While the listserv is an excellent tool for quick questions or feedback, this is intended to be a space for more sustained work or more extensive interactions.

Are you working on a paper that you would like some feedback on? Are you preparing a paper or talk for a conference and wanting help of some sort? Need help revising a set of interview questions? If so, add to this page and send out a note to the TA research listserv, letting folks know that there is something for discussion in the Virtual Research Group space.

Diary of a Graduate Teaching Assistant (HTML file). Manuscript: . Posted 30 June 2006 by Shandy Hauk,