Official Title. Math 577: Math in Middle School III. (26708)
Instructor. Eric Hsu, SCI 211,
Class Meetings. Tuesdays 5:00-7:45, from 24-AUG-10 to 14-DEC-10 in Thornton Hall 425
Office Hours. Tu 4:00-5:00 and by appointment.
Web Page. Link at
Prerequisites. Math 576 with grade of C or better.
Bulletin Description. Continues the work begun in MATH 575 and 576 to prepare students with content knowledge needed to teach algebra, geometry, and probability and statistics in middle school.
Other aspects of mathematics, including problem solving and reasoning, will play an important part as well. In particular, students will be expected to write clear explanations of much of their work, and the course will focus on ideas and understanding rather than on mechanical procedures. Math 577 is the third of a four-course sequence.
Many of the activities and assignments in this course will be drawn directly from curriculum materials developed recently for middle and high school students. Thus, the work in the course will relate directly to the middle school classroom, but we will go beyond the level that would be appropriate for middle school students.
Goals. This course has several goals. Over the course of the semester, a student should:
No late assignments will be accepted for credit without prior permission. Your two lowest scores on homework assignments will be dropped for grading purposes. You may turn in late assignments in order to get feedback on the correctness of your work, but these assignments will not be graded. (Note: Although assignments may differ in length or maximum point total, each will count equally toward your grade.)
Examinations. There will be two take-home midterm exams, based on the algebra and geometry segments of the course. The final exam will be comprehensive but will focus on the statistics part of the course. Exams will reflect the material covered in the in-class activities and discussions and the homework. The final exam occurs on Dec 14, 5:00-7:45 in our usual classroom.
Grades. Grades will be determined as follows: Written assignments (40%), 2 Midterm exams (15% each), Final exam (20%), and Class Participation (10%).
Sources. Many of the activities and assignments for this course will be taken from the following sources:
Each of these is a multi-year curriculum program, made up of individual units that focus on specific areas within mathematics. The first three programs are designed for middle school grades (5–8 or 6–8) and the fourth is designed for high school (grades 9–12). Activites from these programs will be identified by the initials of the program (CM, MiC, MS, or IMP) and the title of the unit from which the material is taken.